Shouting At The Void

So, a little post of some recent projects I’ve made for artschool over the last few weeks.

The Decline of Physical Memory


The Decline of Physical Memory by D.Fyans

A mixed media piece based around the premise of unreliability of memory realised through audio. A recording was taken and dubbed between 2 tapes a total of 45 times. There are some more images and info here.

A Monument of Impermanence

Thought 1

A Monument of Impermanence by D.Fyans

A heavily processed piece using the sound of 100g of snow, collected on the 8th Jan 2011, melting. Each drip acts as an impulse feeding into a large effects structure. More on soundcloud link above and a few images here.

Prologue: A Love Poem

A short psychogeographic piece, heavily inspired by recent Keiller/Petit/Sinclair based obsessive input.

I also recently performed a new Erstlaub piece called Inverted Memory at the EMAF 2011 Screening Tour at the DCA in Dundee. It went down pretty well but I have to say it’s the first time I’ve ever played an entire set to the back of a room full of people’s heads but, they didn’t leave or talk much so I’m guessing it worked out ok. This is a slightly earlier version of the piece I performed on the night.
Inverted Memory by Erstlaub

The new release for Broken20 will be happening soon, I’ll post up with details once it happens.