It’s been a busy little spell since my last post with various bits and pieces and some interesting conjecture.
Christmas Assessment rolled around a little too soon again, this time, instead of our previous mode of assessment where we had 10 minutes to stand up and present and chat about work infront of a room full of people (which was actually pretty useful in terms of scaring you into better self belief/bullshitability), we’ve moved over to the Fine Art method where we set up our work and studio space and then are expelled from the studio for a week while the panel judge.
You can see more of the space here and the digital manifest of the works here.
Due to the assessment, I’ve been under house arrest for the last week, and as the dissertation rolls ever on towards its dreadful conclusion, it’s been a little chink of light tuning into the radioCona stream. My excessively long process driven piece ‘The Persistence of Decay’ was picked up by two of the curators, Tevž Logar of the ŠKUC Gallery in Slovenia and Ilari Valbonesi from ROMA Radio Art Fair so appears in both the Endeavours of Sound and Ultra Disco section of the exhbition.
Something about the self imposed house arrest/dislocation from my studio sends me to Xavier De Maistre’s mental travels and to pondering the ideas of refugee status and freedom through one’s art. I have a rather romantic concept of my disembodied work, freed from the constraints of its host, resonating around the radio spectrum on Slovenian FM radio, my sounds reaching out from the antennae into its surroundings, in search of a willing receiver. I also can’t help but wonder how many people might stumble across it on their car stereo and trying to work out whether the broadcast is faulty, a broken transmission (anyone that knows me will probably know how nice it is to use two of my favourite words contemporaneously).
Here’s a little bit of chat about the piece hijacked from the stream.
click on the image to go to the radioCona site, the live stream is on a player on the right of the page.
In a marathon design stint, last Monday i resolved to pull an entire 24 page issue of Satellite Zine out of the ether, there seems to be some snag with issue 05 being available on the official site so I thought I’d just pop a sneaky pdf of it here for anyone reading this that fancies a look/read, as usual I’ve written some fairly sideways text pieces too, one of them is obvious (as it’s got my name on it, the other one, perhaps not so).
Finally (i really should update this more often so that I don’t have to do these massive rambly posts), I’m going to be performing another trumpet and pedals improv set (I know! It seems to be turning into a habit or something!) on Tuesday 13h December at Work in Progress, an exhibition of 4th year Fine Art, TBA and APCP works. I should be performing around half 7. The facebook page for it is here. Below is just a little recording of the shape things have been taking lately.
An Invocation To Kill The Buddha by Erstlaub